Dead Sea Swim- Only No Swimming - Just Floating

Dead Sea Swim- Only No Swimming - Just Floating
I AM Alive@the Dead Sea ! 6/16/2011

Me & Anna

Me & Anna
Petra, Jordan * April 7, 2011

Fun with Cameras -

Fun with Cameras -
YuM! Dead Sea Dinner - Jordan June 16, 2011


More of Petra*Look @ that view!

Jo in JOrdan

Jo in JOrdan
Peace Corps Jo

Peace Corps

Peace Corps
Dead Sea in Jordan

Camel Riding - June 16, 2011

Camel Riding - June 16, 2011
Dead Sea, Jordan

Monday, February 28, 2011

Finally an update :>)

February 22, 2011

Dear Everyone,

Time to update my blog.  I have to say I’m not much of a blogger I have discovered that about myself.  I’ve read some excellent  blogs where people are amazing writers and it is really impressive.  Me… I type…then my fat fingers hit something weird on my keyboard…and I often lose half or more of what I just wrote.  I guess I doesn’t help that the laptop is on my lap and I am in bed in a semi reclined…almost “crunch” position …you know like at the gym (where I used to go when I lived in Amreeka!)  Yea…a rambling blog…maybe I should change the title from TheregoesJo to TheregoesJoramblingonandon.  I read someone’s blog yesterday - fellow Peace Corps Volunteer…who has an hysterical sense of humor and a wonderful insightful editorial slant on life here in Jordan.  I could talk about the generalities of life here in Jordan…or specifics about my life here in Jordan.  I am pretty sure that is what everyone wants to read.

I could tell you that right now I am cooking some rice pudding on a makeshift double boiler on top of my gas burner stove because I do not have an oven.  I am not complaining, sometime I am going to get a counter top oven (in Arabic it’s pronounced “foreign”).  I just haven’t gotten that far yet.  I can’t buy one and carry the box down the street to my apartment.    I could take a taxi - might get lucky and get one of the drivers here who speaks some English but that is a crap shoot.  There are just some situations I haven’t decided to take the plunge into yet.  En shall ‘ah I will get a counter top oven so I can then then go on a quest to get proper ingredients for say, some of my famous chocolate chip cookies.   I’m pretty sure I’ve heard it told that the choco chips are hard to find here…I will have to make some more inquiries of volunteers who have been here a while.
My apartment is good.  My bedroom is cozy.  This time of year most volunteers (here in Jordan and other places I suppose) live in the room they can keep heated.  We have these propane heaters called “sobas”  they are a metal framework kind of thing that a propane tank fits in and hooks up to in the back, and then you turn the tank on and there are 3 ‘screens’ so to speak in the front, so you can light one, two, or three of the screens…high, medium or low.  I have never cranked it to high, and I use medium when I run in to the cozy bedroom directly after a shower to get warm by drying off and getting dressed in front of the “soba”.  Maybe it will warm up soon.  Actually, my apartment is starting to warm up.  I have not had to light the soba as much this week.  The outside is starting to warm up some.  Apparently this time of year here in north Jordan the weather changes and can’t always make up its mind as to what it wants to do.  Remember we live in these block buildings and they don’t have central heat.  The heat is from sobas…everyone uses them.  There are also electric ones.  It’s just that often really often it is warmer outside the building.
Anyway…I havn’t password protected this blog.  I have to be careful what I write. Which means that right now I really can’t go in to a lot of detail about my assignment as a special education volunteer.  For my friends who are teachers, and for anyone who may be involved in any way with special education…maybe you have a child who gets special education services in America or know someone else who does.  Believe me when I say PLEASE APPRECIATE ALL THE PROGRESS THAT AMERICA HAS MADE SINCE THE SIXTIES in special education.  PLEASE PLEASE never take it for granted even if your job is hard, you are overwhelmed…and you think some of the ways and best practices are ridiculous.  Wow…the grass here is not green…it is brown… it is dying…t really there ain’t much grass, it’s desert.  Literally there is desert and lack of proper practices as well…oh my I can’t begin to say…it is discouraging, and dumbfounding sometimes.  I guess that is why they want American Peace Corps Volunteers with experience here. 
My attitude and emotions have definitely gone on a kind of roller coaster ride of ups and downs.  I keep praying about it because I know the Lord wants me to be here for a reason.  The other day I played a game with some students in my sped. Center and they don’t play many games…so 2 of the little girls told me “Shukran”  when we were finished playing.  So sweet.  I need to keep reminding myself I am here for the kids. 
Since I have written this blog update in 2 sessions I am now the proud owner of my first Jordanian cold…which may have just been coming on the other day when I started this entry.  I fought it for 4 days…got up this morning and there was a lot of stuff not a nice color…(I wonder where I might have picked up these nasty germs?)  I decided to call in sick…call the Peace Corps Medical Officer  - describe my symptoms to her and she sent me off to a local pharmacy where you can get an antibiotic sans a prescription.  I am on the road to recovery  I spent the day sleeping, and watching a (weird) movie.  I am feeling better and ready to go back in to my center tomorrow.   I miss you guys….I miss America…I miss Denny’s Grand Slam breakfasts…there is a lot I miss.  That may be the subject of a soon to be more updated blog.
I love you all…send me some love my way…Just a little e-mail catching me up with things on that side.
Keep those prayers coming…as I pray back for all of you.
Love love love love all the love I can send.